ishan's weekly updates: edition 2

what’s up y’all.

completely procrastinated this—i’m back home for spring break, so have been taking it easy. gotta stay consistent though.

same deal, i’ll keep it pretty short and sweet, just a couple of updates/things i’ve learned this week.

chatted with julian

had a great conversation with julian from on deck yesterday. really loved his story, and left super inspired to continue expanding buildillinois. i feel like like we’ve been moving a little slow this semester, so i thought i’d brainstorm a couple ideas, lmk if you have any thoughts.

after the call, i was looking at his twitter feed, and i came across this message.

i feel like i have a huge case of shiny object syndrome. i work on an idea for a couple of hours, and then quickly move on to the next project.

i talked to advait about this, and i think the move is to embrace it. get really good at coding/building, put the reps in, and trust that i’ll fall in love with an idea eventually.

i love the cybertruck

one of my dreams is to own a nice property by some beach, and be able to drive all around it. maybe raise some animals and grow my own food too.

me and my mom were talking about opening a coffee shop in san diego. it would be a dream come true, we’ll see how that goes.

we’ve come a long way

my buddy from high school got into yc a few months ago, and they just launched.

we met in one of our high school business classes, where we spent an entire semester launching a nft with 0$ revenue.

crazy to see how far he’s come, and i’m super excited to see what they build.

that’s all! home has been great, but i can’t wait to get back to work. see you all next week,
